Protect Your Home with a Roof Tune-Up!
As we approach springtime and the ice and snow melt from your roof, now is the perfect time for a
Roof Tune-Up from Gonzales Roofing! Winter weather can cause minor issues that, if left unchecked,
can turn into costly repairs. Ensure your roof is in top condition today!
What's Included?
✔ Sealing vents, pipes, and other roof penetrations.
✔ Securing loose flashing and re-sealing where needed.
✔ Repairing popped nails or exposed fasteners.
Why Schedule Your Roof Tune-Up Now?
✔ Prevent leaks and water damage before they start.
✔ Save money by avoiding costly emergency repairs.
✔ Extend your roof’s lifespan with regular maintenance.
✔ Enjoy peace of mind knowing your home is protected.